Seeding Lab Participants’ Feedback and Testimonials

Seeding Lab Participants’ Feedback

Dennis Toh, PR Professional and Actor

The seeding lab 2022 reminded me about the need for actors to immerse ourselves naturally into states that are realistic and authentic. Through the exercises given by Jalyn, actors were able to open up their souls and hearts, and very quickly bring their best self into every action and presentation. Everyone was so committed to learn and apply what was taught into practice. There were many anecdotes and quotes shared throughout the workshop. Actors were fast to digest and catch the salient points, at varying levels, and make these key points their own. Despite the fact that it was a diverse group, everyone had fun and made great friendships towards the end of the course. I think the learning  outcomes were not just practical acting tips; but a camaraderie gained through our spirit and involvement in this course, which will bring back great memories for everyone in the future. Kudos to Jalyn and all 9 participants for making this happen!

Ya Hui, Artiste


Gini Chang, Artiste

真真切切的感受是我在这个workshop体会最深的。很多时候在拍摄中都会因为节奏或环境的因素,无法好好的去用心体会每一个反应和情感,虽然出来的画面是过得去,但在心里面知道其实演出是空洞的。在这短短的工作坊,从基本功开始,我了解到演员除了感情之外,还有很多方面需要去感受。让我感触最深的是,在最后一晚的表演结束后,脑子里面去想的不是刚刚的表现如何,而是我感觉到演出的内容,还有是满满的感动。我也很惊讶能在这么短时间内去相信身边的演员们,与他们建立默契。虽然Jalyn 姐一直说不要对这个workshop有太大的期望,但的确我从自己的身上发掘了更大的可能性。

Alecia Chua, Theatre Practitioner

The Seeding Lab literally planted seeds within myself and brought me back to why I love theatre so much. Jalyn was the soil in which we were allowed to germinate and bud. Her invaluable knowledge and giving spirit brought out the best in all of us.

Doreen Toh, Theatre Practitioner
我带着未知而来,第一天做着做着,感触慢慢涌上”好想念排练室!””好想念和同僚排戏噢!”于是告诉自己,要珍惜给予的机缘,放下,好好玩,因为不懂下次再进排练室会是在几时。很感恩这次大家都很契合,所以我也展现了我一直以来只会在和小朋友们上课时的态度和模样。小朋友们都叫我”Funny Teacher”,我给大家一般的感觉和印象是比较静,很认真所以有点闷。但那天呈现后大家在吃宵夜时,Alecia竟然说:”Doreen, you are so funny!”顿时我有愣了一下,这是我第一次在大人的面前听到。因为大家都很真诚,让我彻底地松懈下来,做回最舒服自在的自己。I am so glad and happy to be just me.

Liew Jiayi, Theatre Practitioner

The workshop was a great reminder to go back to basics, being aware of the rawness of senses and the self. The 2Ps ‘rule’ of keeping the experience private and personal was a good entry point into the workshop as actors are usually quick to perform for others. Participants from different backgrounds also played a big part in the mutual learning process. 

Niklaus Chia, Mandarin Drama Theatre Student

This is a breakthrough learning from what I have, and I really hope that student actors can come and experience this, which really breaks the knowledge of what we have learnt in school and harden it to a firm foundation. 

Mandy Neo, Mandarin Drama Theatre Student


Yo Chen, Director and Theatre Practitioner

For the participant who are actors, like me for an example, the greatest challenge I find is not to act. Be raw. As actors we’ve been trained to act, to constantly work on our craft. How then, do we return to level zero yet project the energy of level 10 as we deliver the story on stage? The process was magical! Lovely exchanges and energy. Because we (participants) all come from different background and the way we relate to theatre/acting is different, it is a challenge. Yet the sparks that fly and energy combustions are exactly the “conflicts” every play would need, except they were not purposely created it happened organically.

Neo Hai Bin, Freelance theatre practitioner

As a writer, visuals are very important in my works. Through Seeding Lab, I am awaken to other elements: colours, movements, temperature, smell, humidity, touch, weight, sounds, vibrations, inner and outer monologues…. This awakening will definitely be important for my exploration in writing. Seeding Lab does not attempt to teach. It serves instead to remind, and most importantly it is every participants’ responsibility to discover his/ her own habits, methods, and culture, and seek actively to not be bounded by them. In Seeding Lab, we are our own teachers and students.

Jo Tan, Performer/writer

Seeding Lab was interesting because it was very supportive and nurturing even though different participants had different experience levels with different types of art. It’s good to be a in a supportive environment rather than being pressured towards (creating) a product. I would recommend Seeding Lab to performance artists.

Alvin Chai, Lighting designer

This workshop helped me more deeply as a person, but as theatre lighting designer, I am now more sensitive to the sensations and feeling that a story wants to portray and through the technical knowledge I have with lighting, I can help the director achieve a more desired atmosphere and scene. This experience has been an important life lesson, as a person, also as an artist. Seeding Lab allows me to feel more, to appreciate those empty spaces in between. Instead of focusing on “doing”, now I realise that when I quiet down and take away all the distractions including my own thoughts, I can see clearer. I believe anyone with an artist in them should participate in this course to reinvigorate their passion for whatever art they pursue. To be lost once again and to find their way through Seeding Lab.

Chloe Seah, Tutor

It was an invaluable experience of self-realisation; and rediscovering things that have always been around us, or within us, which we failed to acknowledge. The course emphasized on developing your own thinking – no right or wrong in everything you do. In whichever perspective you choose to see, that is what makes you different from others. The course also emphasized on rediscovering your senses. The activities which asked us to make fuller use of our senses, serves as a reminder of my own weaknesses and to overcome my own mental obstacle.

Loo Zihan, Part-time educator/artist

Jalyn is a wonderful person, nurturing and caring. I am new to performing in theatre and her guidance and patience was essential. With her help and advice I was able to cope with the pressure and stress of ‘live’ performance. She helped to clarify various issues I have with the character and performance in front of a ‘live’ audience. Her years of experience in theatre and performance is evident in the way she gives out her generous advice.

It is difficult to discern between our personal and working relationship as Jalyn has always gone to extra lengths to ensure that my worries and needs were taken care of during the production period. She is a maternal figure to all in the production. She is a fantastic teacher and advisor. I would like to thank her, without her help and advice; the pressure of performance would have overwhelmed me. It is with her help that I had the confidence to go onstage, because I know she will be there to advice me honestly if I falter.

Cindy Ng, Teacher

As a working partner, she is really serious when it comes to work. She works effectively to get things done and will always strive for the best. A great and responsible partner to work with. As a trainer, she has her own special methods to teach her students. From my experience with her during my secondary school days, I always remember her lessons to be enriching and at the same time, fun and interesting. She handles different students differently, catering to their different needs.

Peggy Ferroa, Freelance writer, director, actor

What touched me most about working with Jalyn was that she always seems to know when you’re lost and jumps in to help you. When I couldn’t manage dance steps, she came up to help me understand what I was doing wrong. Boosted my confidence no end. There is also no ego about her and she’s always ready to learn, experiment, and above all, help.

Johnny Tan Fong Wei, Student, Peking University

It has been most rewarding to have learned from Jalyn and worked with her. She is a mentor who believes in patiently guiding her students and this made us respect her because she is more than just a teacher, she is a friend who truly cares for your well-being and your dreams. People who have worked with her or have been mentored by her will gain confidence and learn more about themselves through performing arts, as she is very encouraging and her courses are designed in the perspective of the target audience.

In my opinion, this is not to her, just another mundane routine of work, it is the source of joy to her when she sees her students take baby steps in creating new masterpieces for the arts scene in Singapore. This is because she is always passionate in grooming youths to be future artists. I wish her all the very best in this noble and altruistic work!

Kok Siew, Professional in the Legal Service

Jalyn is everything good rolled into one compact unit. Humourous, inspiring and always professional. She’s ever willing to dispense advice and encouragement, and despite being one multi-talented individual with a wealth of experience, she never throws her weight around. I would jump at the chance to work with her again!