Drama workshops with seniors
First commissioned by PAssionARTS
We always hear of older folks who can speak a smattering of other languages. They may not be experts in those languages, but they can always make small talk with friends of other races or dialects.
In this 8-session workshop, a group of 14 elderly neighbours living at Hougang Avenue 3 gathered every week to share their stories from days past. Between 51 years old to 80 years old, the senior participants may not all speak the same language, but through the workshops, they managed to uncover stories of their lives in the neighbourhood, finding a common language of memory, through the colourful tapestry of small talk.
你认为“家”在哪里? 对居住在后港3道的十几位老居民而言,家是养鸡养鸭,上山挑水,跟弟妹抢东西吃,看五毛钱一出戏的地方。在剧场导演韩雪卿的引导与构思下,她们穿越时空,用潮州话、马来话一起回忆儿时精彩的趣事,闲话家常。来跟我们一起话家常吧!
“It is a privilege for me, at 80 years old still has a chance to go up stage and hold a microphone. All these years in my life, I do not have a chance to do so.” – Toh Kim Hong
“…Ms Jalyn Han listened to our kampong stories, she choreographed and turned it into a small talk performance. She patiently taught us how to overcome forgetfulness, be natural, presentation skills and we also enjoyed ourselves thoroughly…” – Irene Soon
“The performance at Kovan Hub and Kallang CC has given me confidence, joy and a victorious spirit. The sharing of the era between 1950s to 1960s has indeed given our younger generation an understanding of what is it like at that time…” – Lee Theng Inn
“My granddaughter is very proud that I, almost 80 years old have the opportunity to perform despite being wheelchair bound.” – Tan Tnar Chuan (po-zua auntie)
*Quotes has been translated to English
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